so my major memory for this show is that a boyfriend of mine in high school got angry that i watched it one night instead of calling him to talk. what i never admitted to him, & haven't really thought about until right now, is that i was only using this show to avoid calling him for whatever reason. i think it was his birthday, & i was uncomfortable with the expectations that had been placed on me to be the "perfect girlfriend" in such situations. & i bailed, majorly, on calling him. but, i mean, i called him after.
needless to say, i obviously didn't remember much about this show. i think i did watch it. at least a few times. i remembered all the characters, & of the 4 episodes i watched, i remembered the plot of at least two of them.
i think that felicity gets a bit of a bad reputation. every time i mention it, someone inevitably groans & someone else mentions "that time she cut her hair". i mean, yeah, cutting her hair was probably a bad idea. but the show continued for two more years after that ill-fated season. so they must have been doing something right.
one thing i liked about this show before i even began watching it is that there are only 4 seasons. so it's not overwhelming to want to get into, & it exists in it's own little world of college. she begins the show as a freshman & ends it as a senior. i don't know if the last show does any kind of a fast forward so we can see where all the characters end up after their lives at the university of new york, but i almost sort of hope not. i LIKE that the show exists in a little box, like a package tied with a bow. here is college life, complete.
i'm going to be honest here. i liked this show.
more than i thought i was going to, & definitely more than i did in 1998. probably because in 1998, i had absolutely no idea what college was. it was an idea to me only, something i saw in my future but of which i had no real concept. so can i relate to felicity more, having gone through my own 4 (to be fair, 3.5) years?
i don't know. i think so.
in my memory i remember felicity as "that show that tried to recreate dawson's creek for college kids". i mean, she's got a little dawson in her. she's over analytical about boys, life, friends, & classes. but that's about it. she's much more reserved than dawson is. in fact, i liken her more to angela chase than dawson leery. felicity is painfully shy, so much so that, even though she followed ben to new york, she had only ever had two conversations with him before (conversations that she remembers in painstaking detail). it's almost painful to watch her try to interact with ben, noel, her professors, basically anyone she meets. she's awkward & young.
unlike dawson's creek, we don't pick up with felicity already having a strong friend group in place. in fact, when the series begins, she doesn't have ONE friend. & when she does befriend julie, they have a very rocky start (basically due to the fact that julie & ben like each other more than they like felicity).
we also learn that felicity didn't do much in high school. she was very quiet, & seems to have done only what her parents wanted her to do. i don't even know if she had any friends then, either. we certainly never hear about any of them.
so really, we get to see felicity evolve from the very beginning. she's got no friends, no life, & almost no personality. she's got to cut out a place for herself in the world from scratch. imagine, dawson leery at, say, age 3.
i'm going to admit this again. i was into it. i'm not sure where her relationships with ben & the resident advisor noel crane (who has a webpage. seriously, go to that link) will go (although thanks, wikipedia, for spoiling a few details for me). i don't know who she will befriend next. or where her adventures in college will take her. & i'm interested. which has got to be a good sign.
apparently in later seasons, the writers began to run out of ideas for story lines. i mean, i guess there's only SO much drama that can go on during college.... (NOT). also, apparently the original writer was 32 & claimed to be 19 so there was a bit of controversy going on about this show. so i can't really vouch for the entire series. which is why i'm not giving this one more than four records as a rating.
but, i really & genuinely give felicity four records. i'm into it, & i hope that one day i can try out disc two. & who knows, honestly, maybe a lot more than that.
...at least until she cuts her hair.

just kidding.

Haha I've made it past the hair cut. That's the show I'm watching now. It is funny how I get it more now. I only watched it now and then when it was regularly on. I don't remember what happens in the end, which is nice. I'll find out eventually.
ooooh, you'll have to tell me how it ends. because i really do want to know! i remember being sorta into this show when it first aired, but i really did enjoy it this time around. if i had more time (or when i do) i may consider watching more of it.
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