man, i really did not want to like this show.
so much so, i had convinced myself that it looked really lame & that i would never, in a million years, actually identify with it. i respected people who were into it (i have a few friends who really do like it) but i just always assumed that it wasn't for me.
i was also completely unable to separate supernatural from smallville in my mind. i couldn't remember which was which, & would always use the wrong title when talking about one of the shows. when supernatural disc one began, i even said to myself, "fuck, which one is superman!?"
but boy, was i wrong about this show. i mean, seriously, i couldn't have been any more wrong.
this is exactly my type of show. i don't know if i was completely blind before, or just totally unwilling to give supernatural a chance. but i almost hate myself for not having watched it before this weekend.
in fact, as soon as disc one ended, i turned to sham & began brainstorming how we could get our hands on the rest of the season. i texted friends to see if i could borrow it. i even thought about buying it. i was immediately hooked!
the brothers play off each other so well. their bickering is really enjoyable to watch, & funny. because they can interact in this way, their characters seem pretty solid, even though the audience still does not know much about them. the younger brother is definitely more emotional, & the older brother is a bit of a hothead. they are nearly polar opposites & they don't really get along (unless they are putting their heads together to solve a case). but that's what makes their relationship really entertaining to watch. despite all the supernatural events occurring, the brothers are so real that it's easy to get sucked into the show. even if you don't believe in ghosts & goblins, you care about the brothers.
the effects are also top-notch. the first episode began with a doozy & i was pretty convinced the rest of the episodes would not be able to live up to it. again, i could not have been more wrong.

i'm totally hooked on supernatural.
& luckily for me, my dad is going to let me borrow the rest.
supernatural, i promise to never "accidentally" call you smallville again.

haha, too funny :P Too bad its on when like every other popular TV show is. Most people have never even heard of it!
I can't wait for you to catch up. Season 4 has one of the most entertaining episodes I have seen yet. Dean gets the "ghost flu" and it is one of the funniest shows I have seen on t.v. in awhile. Laughed so hard I actually had tears!
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