i have a soft spot in my heart for teenage dramas centering around rumours, sex, drugs, high school, & stabbing each other in the back.
so really, gossip girl is the perfect show for me. i honestly just can't get enough of glossy lipstick, pouty girls, sex-maniac foxy guys, & a cast of characters who cheat on each other, lie to each other, & play each other for their own gain. bonus points if it all takes place in high school.
& while we see very little of these friends actually going to school, they are of the right age & the controversial issues are certainly there. the new 90210 was touted as the west coast gossip girl, but so far from what i've seen (& i'm enjoying the campy 90210, don't get me wrong) 90210 has nothing on gossip girl. maybe it's just east coast fashion (it IS different, i assure you) or just that the acting is so much better, but gossip girl is a show with style.
if the new 90210 is "fuck me pumps"

then gossip girl is "come tie me up & then fuck me boots".

& i honestly do mean that in the best way possible. on both sides. 90210 is what it is. it's not nearly as edgy as it's claiming to be, but it's fun. gossip girl, on the other hand, is dead serious. these kids aren't playing around. they mean business, & man is it a mean business.
i'm not from NY, but i am from the east coast. i guess we have a different definition of drama there. or, maybe it's just that gossip girl is willing to be more controversial. but it's a really glam-ed up & polished end result, whatever the reasons are. the acting is pretty solid, the characters are well-defined, & the plot is, well, wicked. (omfg).
my only complaint so far is how much the narrator sounds like sarah jessica parker. it's almost like gossip girl thought, for five seconds, that it wanted to be the new sex & the city. i've got news for you, gossip girl: you aren't sex & the city. but that's really ok. i much prefer you.
you know you love me. xoxo.

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