i have to admit, before last night i had never before seen an episode of in living color. i always knew of the show, & i was aware that it had been pretty ground-breaking on many levels. but i had just never happened upon watching it before (nor have i seen most of SNL, i guess this type of format never really attracted me before).
i know a lot of people, of all races, sexes, & ages, who are big fans of this show. i've even been chastised in the past for not having seen some of in living color's more popular sketches. i always knew that it probably wasn't for me, as i don't really like "sketch" shows. but, to be fair to the rules of the game, i gave it a chance.
i did laugh, sure. & it was interesting to see so many famous faces when they were a bit younger.
i give this show incredible respect.
but in living color really isn't targeted to me. it's always hard to watch this kind of show outside of it's time period. i mean, a lot of the jokes and references went completely over my head. sham was able to explain a few i didn't get, but for the most part i have a feeling i missed out on a lot of the humour because i simply didn't get what was going on. at the same time, i'm not really a fan of sketch comedy. so i don't really want to judge this one on content.
so instead i turned to my trusty friend wikipedia, hoping to find some good nugget of information about in living color that would inspire this blog entry. this didn't really happen either. i was interested to read that the original pilot included a sketch that was only broadcast once (it's even been replaced on the DVD) because it deals with date rape. apparently the master tape for the episode was changed but keenan ivory wayans "accidentally" mixed up the masters so the true episode could be aired. once.
other than that, in living color didn't really stand out for me. i completely & utterly respect it for everything that it did, & for having the guts to fight censorship in the 90s. it certainly helped a lot of comedians get their starts, & i'm sure it inspired many viewers.
it's just not for me.

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