if you aren't already watching this show, you should be.
i've seen a good number of episodes in the past, mostly with danny devito (who joins the cast in season two). i've always enjoyed what i've seen, but sort of brushed the show aside because i don't really have time to be watching another show (that, & i don't get FX). but, i did finally sit down to watch season one (thanks comic-con, for giving us the first two seasons for free) & i had a really fucking good time.
first off, the entire season is on disc one, so i was lucky that i liked this one.
secondly, the music/ditty/theme song is so amazing. no matter how many times it plays in an episode, i never get tired of it.
thirdly, i just all around love this show.
i mean, it's funny. i laugh out loud while watching this show. which is, admittedly, RARE for me. after wading through the many unfunny sitcoms on television these days, this show is a find, a GEM. the characters are fucked up, demented, &, most importantly, very real. it's like what seinfeld would be if it was set in the new millennium & the characters drank more alcohol.
it's always sunny in philadelphia is continually pushing the limits of what society is ready to see on television, & that's what really makes it great. they jump in headfirst & they aren't afraid to piss people off. fantastic stuff.
i'm not going to start analyzing the comedy of the show or start comparing it to other comedies i've seen. because really, it's unlike any other comedy currently on television.
good work, it's always sunny in philadelphia.
do yourself a favour & watch this one.

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